
Prayer Request

I ask anyone reading this blog to say a prayer or two for my mother, who has been in and out of the hospital in the past couple of weeks. Please pray that she may unite her sufferings with Christ on his cross during this Lenten season, and that she may find comfort from the Holy Spirit.

National Geographic Channel Will Explore Life Inside the Womb

Baby in Womb

This Sunday, March 6, from 8-10 p.m., the National Geographic Channel will be playing "In the Womb", "a two-hour special that uses the latest advances in technology to take viewers on the incredible adventure of a developing new life. Revolutionary 3-D and 4-D ultrasound imagery sheds light on the delicate, dark world of a fetus. Viewers will also have the chance to witness a rare fetoscope operation performed in the hope of correcting life- threatening complications before birth." (source).

Besides being an interesting show, about life inside the womb, "In the Womb" will be using computer graphics, 2-D ultrasound, 4-D imaging and other technologies to give an unprecedented look into the life of a child inside its mother's womb.

An Appeal that Will Never Make the News - from St. Stanislaus Parishoners

A large population of Polish parishoners in the St. Louis Archdiocese continue to support Archbishop Burke and the Catholic Church's teachings regarding parish administration, but the mainstream media and board members of St. Louis' former Polish parish, St. Stanislaus, would have you believe otherwise. Through deliberate misinformation, the board members and the media are trying to deliver a one-two punch to the Catholic Church in St. Louis, and especially to Archbishop Burke.

I give my full support to the Archbishop, the Catholic Church and these faithful Polish parishoners, and will pray that this situation is resolved quickly and effectively.

The parishoners have written a letter entitled "An Appeal that Will Never Make the News from a Group of St. Stanislaus Parishoners" - sadly, I think the title is 100% accurate. But the press hasn't seemed to always represent the Church and its supporters very well in the past--why should it start now? I have included some of the text from the letter:

'Vatican Memo' Condemning Pius XII - Falsely Praised by Media

Hat tip to The Dawn Patrol.

"The controversy began in December with the discovery of a 1946 document that supposedly outlines the Vatican's policy toward Jewish children who were sheltered in Catholic institutions during the war. The document states that baptized Jewish children should not be returned to their families.

Contrary to what many newspapers have reported, this document did not come from the Vatican. The document, which was found in the archives of the French Catholic Church, is an unsigned, one-page memorandum. It is typewritten in French instead of the Vatican's customary Italian and not produced on Vatican stationery.

Sickening Mockery of the Eucharist by NBC

Another expression of anti-Catholicism in the media is extremely disturbing. Another reason not to watch the current crop of 'popular' shows promoted by NBC:


During the February 22 episode of the NBC-TV sitcom, “Committed,” two non-Catholics are mistakenly given Holy Communion at a Catholic funeral Mass.  Nate, who is Jewish, and Bowie, a Protestant, don’t know what to do with the Eucharist, so they make several failed attempts to get rid of it.  For example, they try slipping it into the pocket of a priest, dropping it on a tray of cheese and crackers, etc.