
On the Eucharist — from Our Sunday Visitor

In this week's copy of Our Sunday Visitor, I noticed a very good article by Msgr. Richard Antall, titled "A Mystery of Heavenly Union." This article speaks about how we can more closely unite ourselves with Christ this Lenten season through greater devotion to the Eucharist. After all, it is the year of the Eucharist, and what better time than Lent to come to a deeper understanding of Jesus' sacrifice on the cross?

"We need to savor the presence of Jesus within us. That is why a thanksgiving after Communion is so important, and ideally this should extend to after Mass.

Some of our Communions are too much like a visit to a fast-food restaurant and ordering God 'to go.' The expericence merits more consideration and a certain etiquette. We are accustomed to flying out of church or to carry on conversations with others. Habit will make it easier to kneel down after Mass and to say 'thank you.' You will give good example."

Randomness for Thursday

Sorry I haven't been here in a while - I've had quite a bit going on (getting through my 20-item to do list takes a while...).

A couple of cool things:

Cool stuff, eh? Please continue to pray for my mother, the Pope, and Terri Schiavo.

The Knights of Columbus - to the 4th Degree!

Yesterday (Saturday the 5th), myself and many fellow seminarians from Kenrick-Glennon Seminary received 4th degree knighthood in the Knights of Columbus. The whole day was a very great experience, especially the Mass celebrated by Archbishop Burke and concelebrated by many priests who are Knights. I have posted pictures from the event on my seminary website (unfortunately, when you're the one taking the pictures, you can't get a picture of yourself being knighted...).

Spring Break Begins Today

Today my spring break begins. I hope to spend a little time relaxing, a little time with my family, a little time in prayer, and a little time catching up with some of my friends (by a 'little', I mean a 'lot').

I pray that students on spring break this year may remain safe and not find themselves in any bad situations. I also pray that these students will be able to be able to find peace and relaxation during this break; mid-term exams can be extremely distressing!

Some interesting things to read over the break: