
Presidential Judicial Nominees & Other News

From Call your Senators today to urge that the President's nominees receive an up-or-down vote, and that there be no more filibusters on judges. The Capitol switchboard is 202-224-3121. Your Senators need to hear from you!

In other news: today is my last day of exams (my final final is at 12:00 today!). This means that school, as I know it, during the 2004-2005 year, is over as of 1:50 p.m. today. This also means that my summer vacation is soon to begin. During the next week, myself and my fellow College Seminarians will be on a silent retreat, away from the Seminary, so I don't envision updating my blog for a time, nor will I be able to answer emails. I will continue to post updates here over the summer vacation, starting May 14 or so.

Free Desktop Picture! — "Life is Short. Pray Hard."

Today I present the first in a series (to be released over a long time... I don't know how many I will do) of totally awesome Desktop Pictures/Wallpapers/Backgrounds by Jeff®. Today's picture, weighing in at 1024x768 pixels (for maximum compatibility) in the JPEG format (so both Mac and PC users can use it), was created entirely from Photoshop CS, using a couple of clip-art images and some creative prowess.

Life's Short. Pray Hard.

Download the desktop background by right-clicking (Mac: control-click) on the thumbnail above, then selecting Download Linked File As... or Save Linked File As... in the menu that pops up. Then you can set it as your desktop background by going to the appropriate Control Panel (PC) or Desktop System Preference (Mac).

Today's Mass Readings - Extremely Fitting!

Second Reading

Come to him, a living stone, rejected by human beings
but chosen and precious in the sight of God,
and, like living stones,
let yourselves be built into a spiritual house
to be a holy priesthood to offer spiritual sacrifices
acceptable to God through Jesus Christ."

This reading from 1 Peter 2:4-9 (above is a snippet of the whole reading) struck me as extremely important. All Catholics are called to be 'living stones' - to be strong pieces of the foundation of Jesus' Church here on earth. In order to become these living stones, we will have to be well-weathered, and stand up to the harshes abuse and environments. We will bear the weight of many wounds and hateful gestures, but we must remain firm in our beliefs and faith in Jesus Christ.