Presidential Judicial Nominees & Other News
From Call your Senators today to urge that the President's nominees receive an up-or-down vote, and that there be no more filibusters on judges. The Capitol switchboard is 202-224-3121. Your Senators need to hear from you!
In other news: today is my last day of exams (my final final is at 12:00 today!). This means that school, as I know it, during the 2004-2005 year, is over as of 1:50 p.m. today. This also means that my summer vacation is soon to begin. During the next week, myself and my fellow College Seminarians will be on a silent retreat, away from the Seminary, so I don't envision updating my blog for a time, nor will I be able to answer emails. I will continue to post updates here over the summer vacation, starting May 14 or so.