
Couch Potatoes - Critically Acclaimed Success!

Well, maybe my title for this entry is a little untruthful... Does it count if I call myself a critic? I'm not in the show, even though I'm part of it...

Basically, the show's first showing of Couch Potatoes was last night, and it was quite good! I really liked it, and thought it was even better than last year's show, Spam and Cheese: Leftovers Too.

The show lasted about two hours, and will probably be shortened a bit by Saturday, the next time we will put it on. In terms of sound and lighting, we did a pretty good job, in my humble opinion! John (a fellow seminarian) and I were operating the light and sound boards (respectively), with the assistance of some other help for spotlights and other duties. Here's a picture of us right before the show (notice the new shirts with the KLM Logo!).

Blogging for Terri - Please Pray for Her! (UPDATED)

I received an email today from Blogs for Life, and its content bears repeating:

"Today, the courts rejected the pleas of Terri’s parents to stop her husband, Michael, from withholding food and water from her. He has promised to begin starving her tomorrow at 1 pm.

Most of you are aware that Terri is not a "vegetable" or "brain-dead" as Michael and his lawyers claim, but responds to others and is aware of her surroundings. She laughs, smiles and, according to her nurses, has a small vocabulary.

Terri is not on life support and is healthy. She needs help eating and is fed through a tube (helping someone eat and drink who is impaired has never been considered artificial life support).

While Michael asserts he is carrying out Terri's wishes, he waited until after he received a large sum of money from a lawsuit against her doctors before making this claim . During the lawsuit, he alleged negligence and motivated a financial award with the potential cost of Terri’s rehabilitation.

Archbishop's Retreat, Couch Potatoes Update

For the past two-and-a-half days, Archbishop Burke has been holding the annual Archbishop's Retreat for aspiring seminarians at Kenrick-Glennon Seminary. Young men from all over the United States are here discerning their vocations and spending three days in prayer and reflection with current seminarians. Thing are looking good right now; there are 25 men here (more than last year's total!) and many have asked for or are currently filling out applications.

I have posted pictures of the Retreat on my Seminary Website (click here to see them):

Archbishop's Retreat

Another note: For those of you who will be in St. Louis this week (and next weekend):

Protest V***** Monologues on Catholic Campuses (UPDATED)

For the past few years, I've noticed this same story crop up, and it disgusts me now as it has digusted me then.

From Catholic World News:

At least 30 Catholic colleges and universities are scheduled to host The Vagina Monologues, a play with strong feminist and lesbian themes, during February and March, according to the Cardinal Newman Society. The group urges Catholics to protest the shows, which typically are staged on February 14: St. Valentine's Day.

“Performing this offensive play during Lent mocks the Catholic faith, as does the attempt to replace Saint Valentine’s Day with ‘V-Day,’” said Patrick J. Reilly, president of the Cardinal Newman Society. “The Vagina Monologues is contrary to all that Catholics believe about the dignity of women and human sexuality.”