Couch Potatoes - Critically Acclaimed Success!
Well, maybe my title for this entry is a little untruthful... Does it count if I call myself a critic? I'm not in the show, even though I'm part of it...
Basically, the show's first showing of Couch Potatoes was last night, and it was quite good! I really liked it, and thought it was even better than last year's show, Spam and Cheese: Leftovers Too.
The show lasted about two hours, and will probably be shortened a bit by Saturday, the next time we will put it on. In terms of sound and lighting, we did a pretty good job, in my humble opinion! John (a fellow seminarian) and I were operating the light and sound boards (respectively), with the assistance of some other help for spotlights and other duties. Here's a picture of us right before the show (notice the new shirts with the KLM Logo!).