A large population of Polish parishoners in the St. Louis Archdiocese continue to support Archbishop Burke and the Catholic Church's teachings regarding parish administration, but the mainstream media and board members of St. Louis' former Polish parish, St. Stanislaus, would have you believe otherwise. Through deliberate misinformation, the board members and the media are trying to deliver a one-two punch to the Catholic Church in St. Louis, and especially to Archbishop Burke.
I give my full support to the Archbishop, the Catholic Church and these faithful Polish parishoners, and will pray that this situation is resolved quickly and effectively.
The parishoners have written a letter entitled "An Appeal that Will Never Make the News from a Group of St. Stanislaus Parishoners" - sadly, I think the title is 100% accurate. But the press hasn't seemed to always represent the Church and its supporters very well in the past--why should it start now? I have included some of the text from the letter: