
SLU President Fr. Biondi and Stem Cell Research

After reading the article "Biondi's presence at meeting on stem cells creates a stir" in the St. Louis Post-Dispatch's 'Metro' section today, I didn't know what to think. It would seem that either Fr. Biondi (the Jesuit priest who is president of Saint Louis University, the University at which I take many of my classes) endorses embryonic stem cell research (the killing of an innocent human life to obtain stem cells which has not yet proven to be worthwhile scientifically or medically), or he endorses only adult stem cell research (the use of discarded stem cells in umbilical cords or other stem cells in which no human life is destroyed—this research has already produced medical success stories, and has proven to be very beneficial).

Interesting News in the World of Computers

In an interesting turn of events, Apple (the maker of Mac OS X—the world's best Operating System) has announced that they will not be using PowerPC processors anymore. Now they will be using processors designed by Intel (the company that designs processors used in most Windows-based PCs.

I don't yet know quite what to think about all this, for a few reasons. First of all, it would almost be insane for Apple to give up hardware production, so I don't think anybody will be able to install OSX on a run-of-the-mill piece of junk Dell computer. Second, Apple can't yet count on OS X sales alone to drive Mac acceptance, simply because not enough people know about OS X's advanced and far superior (than Windows XP, Longhorn, or any other PC operating system) abilities.

Priesthood Ordinations, Blog Name Changes, Vocation CD-ROM...

Lots of news today...

First of all, I'm back at Kenrick-Glennon Seminary for a week or so while we host the annual summer camp for youth and high-school aged men, Kenrick-Glennon Days. This year's event has been an awesome experience so far, and it looks to be running smoothly. I'm the 'tech guy,' and I've had a great time talking to high-schoolers, campers, and, of course, my fellow seminarians. I'll be sure to post more information about the camp as time passes.

Priesthood Ordinations and First Masses

Over the past weekend, I was privelaged to be able to attend the Priesthood Ordination Mass for Father Gerald Blessing of the St. Louis Archdiocese and Father Joseph Havrilka's first Mass (in the diocese of Belleville, Illinois). Both Masses were very inspring and uplifting occasions for my own vocational discernment.

As I witnessed Archbishop Burke place his hands on the head of Father Blessing (what a great name!), anoint his hands, and announce that he is a priest, I felt the Holy Spirit's presence in the Cathedral Basilica. And as I witnessed Father Havrilka's first Mass the next day (I was also the photographer!), I felt a deep reverence for the great gift of the priesthood given to His Church to sustain its members through the Sacraments, and most especially the Holy Eucharist! I cannot wait to start my next year in the Seminary, and I pray that I and my brother seminarians continue to persevere in our studies and the deepening of our faith.

The Priestie Boyz Website [version 1.0]

Today, after discussing things with the Priestie Boyz, I worked on a website for them, aptly named Note that it's still under construction (as of 5/30/05), so not everything is functional yet. Also, my picture is not yet up. But things will be redesigned and changed as time goes on, and it will be looking better quite soon.

And no, their name is NOT 'Priesty Boyz,' 'Priestie Boys,' 'Priesty Boys,' 'Priestly Boyz,' or 'Priestly Boys.' It's simply 'Priestie Boyz.' Soon some sound clips from their upcoming CD will be posted on their site, as well as a blog. I'll let you know more about that as time goes on.