
Been Workin' on the Websites

First of all, I hope you'll notice a new seminarian blog on my sidebar; Michael Houser, a theologian at Kenrick, has started a new blog, "Ego vos elegi." Check it out!

Also, I've been working on my Computer Support and Mac Support websites. In addition to posting two new articles on my Mac Support Website and streamlining a few techical things, I've finished working on tech help articles for my Computer Support site's 'Mac/PC Computer Support' section:

Ecumenism Without Compromise: Catholicism / Protestantism

To all Protestant Christians and Catholics alike reading this blog entry: please listen to this 35 minute talk by Peter Kreeft: Ecumenism Without Compromise.

There are many gold nuggets in the above lecture for anyone seeking the Truth—that is—Jesus Christ.

This lecture, as well as many others, can be had for free (MP3 downloads) on Peter Kreeft's website. (I especially liked his lecture 10 Uncommon Insights Into Evil from the Lord of the Rings!).

Blog Reorganization, Computer and Photography Articles

In case you haven't noticed, I've reorganized and updated the blog links on the sidebar; if you know of a Seminarian, Priest or other person who has a blog that you would like me to link to, let me know. I've also added the Priestie Boyz' website to my links section.

I've also been working on my Computer Support site, adding more content and refining some of the Tech Help Guides. I hope to finish some more soon. So far, I've posted tech help guides for the following topics:

Jeff's Computer Support - 'Ask Jeff' - Email Support

I have added a new service to my Computer Support site, which allows anyone to ask any computer-related support question. If the answer I provide is satisfactory, the person who asked me the question can choose to donate via PayPal to help me with my expenses (any amount helps, but I won't be angry if someone doesn't donate). I have aptly named this new service Ask Jeff.

"Abp. Burke asks Fr. Biondi to clarify stem-cell comment"

From the St. Louis Review:

Archbishop Raymond L. Burke wants St. Louis University president Father Lawrence Biondi, SJ, to clarify contradictory published remarks attributed to him about embryonic stem cell research, which the Church condemns.

For more info about this situation, please see my previous post on this topic. I truly hope Fr. Biondi will strongly declare his pro-life position on this issue, as he is the president of Saint Louis University—St. Louis' most prominent Catholic institution of higher education, as well as the institution in which I am currently enrolled.

Spanish Pro Life Wristbands ("Pro Vida")

I am pleased to announce that, within a month or two, a Spanish version of the popular PROLIFE Wristbands will become available. Vida Humana International affiliates will be distributing the wristbands, first to Latin American nations, and then, hopefully, to other nations. The new wristbands will be bilingual, pronouncing 'PROLIFE' on one side, and 'PROVIDA' on the other, and will be the same color blue as the original PROLIFE Wristband.

Over 100,000 youth and adult-sized PROLIFE Wristbands have been sold since my sister and I received our first 10,000 in November of 2004. For more information, please visit the PROLIFE Wristband website. Please pray that the success of these wristbands will help to spread and strengthen the right to life throughout the world, no matter what language a person speaks!