
How to idempotently change file attributes (e.g. immutable) with Ansible

I recently needed to force the /etc/resolv.conf file to be immutable on a set of CentOS servers, since the upstream provider's DHCP server was giving me a poorly-running set of default DNS servers, which was getting written to the resolv.conf file on every reboot.

There are a few different ways to force your own DNS servers (and override DHCP), but one of the simplest, at least for my use case, is to change the file attributes on /etc/resolv.conf to make the file immutable (unable to be overwritten, e.g. by the network service's DHCP on reboot).

Typically you would do this on the command line with:

chattr +i /etc/resolv.conf

And Ansible's file module has an attributes (alias: attr) parameter which allows the setting of attributes. For example, to set the attributes to i, you would use a task like:

Adding Configuration Split to a Drupal site using BLT and Acquia Cloud

Note: As of Config Split beta4, you no longer need to use drush csex/csim to export and import config accounting for splits. You instead install both Config Filter and Config Split, then use the normal Drush commands (drush cex/cim). There are also a few other tweaks to the guide below; I may update it when I get more time.

I've been looking at a ton of different solutions to using Drupal 8's Configuration Management in a way that meets the following criteria:

Honeypot is the 'Drupal 8 Module of the Week'

For the past few months, Acquia's Dev Center blog has been running a series of posts about modules that have been fully ported to Drupal 8, and I'm happy to announce that this week's module of the week is Honeypot! See post by Jam: Drupal 8 Module of the Week: Honeypot.

There are a good number of posts already in this series, and more to come, so check out the Drupal Modules topic on the Dev Center blog for more!

Honeypot for Drupal 8, 3 years in the making

Almost three years ago, on Feb 19, 2013, I opened the 8.x-dev branch of the Honeypot module (which helps prevent form spam on thousands of Drupal sites). These were heady times in the lifetime of the then-Drupal 8.x branch; 8.0-alpha1 wasn't released until three months later, on May 19. I made the #D8CX pledge—when Drupal 8 was released, I'd make sure there was a full, stable Honeypot release ready to go.

Little did I know it would be more than 2.5 years—and counting—before I could see that promise through to fruition!

As months turned into years, I've kept to the pledge, and eventually decided to also port a couple other modules that I use on many of my own Drupal sites, like Wysiwyg Linebreaks and Simple Mail.

Overriding a template file (.tpl.php) from a module

There are many times when a custom module provides functionality that requires a tweaked or radically altered template file, either for a node, a field, a view, or something else.

While it's often a better idea to use a preprocess or alter function to accomplish what you're doing, there are many times where you need to change the markup/structure of the HTML, and modifying a template directly is the only way to do it. In these cases, if you're writing a generic custom module that needs to be shared among different sites with different themes, you can't just throw the modified template into each theme, because you'd have to make sure each of the sites' themes has the same file, and updating it would be a tough proposition.

I like to keep module-based functionality inside modules themselves, so I put all templates that do specific things relating to that module into a 'templates' subdirectory.


I registered on 2010-08-19 for fun—but after three years, and little traffic (besides bots and the occasional Drupal user popping over from an old link), I'm shutting down the site, and will let my domain registration expire.

Is there a module for that dot com screenshot

If someone is interested in the domain, let me know how you'd use it in the comments below, and I'll consider transferring it to you instead of letting it expire and a squatter taking over.

Prefill the Subject of a Privatemsg Message

I've had a nice go at making private messaging capabilities for flockNote work a lot nicer than the out-of-the-box Privatemsg module experience, by simplifying everything to the point that it's closer to the Facebook Direct Message system than the normal Privatemsg UX. (Privatemsg is the premiere way of handling private messaging in Drupal. It's already awesome out of the box... just needed a bit more help for our particular site ;-).

One thing I had wanted to do for a while is prefill the subject field of certain messages. I already have the new private message page appear inside an overlay popup after a user clicks on a link to send a private message to another user on the site.

Privatemsg prefill subject

Introducing the Honeypot form spam protection module for Drupal

Now that I've released a Drupal 6 backport of what I originally wrote as a Drupal 7 module, I figured I would write a little bit in the way of introducing one of the simpler, and more user-friendly ways of controlling spam in Drupal (as opposed to other also-helpful methods, like Mollom, CAPTCHA, etc.).

I'd like to thank Flocknote for giving me the development time to work on this module, as we needed something like it for the new 'version 3' launch of

Adding a class to <body> in a module in Drupal 7

In Drupal 6, I would often resort to using my theme's template.php file to implement template_preprocess(), and add in the class to Drupal's $body_classes array. In Drupal 7, some new hooks were introduced that allow me to do this more easily, and inside my .module files.

Introducing hook_preprocess_HOOK()

<?php/** * Implements hook_preprocess_HOOK(). */function custom_preprocess_html(&$vars) {  $vars['classes_array'][] = 'my-class-here';}?>

WYSIWYG Force Linebreaks - a Module for Input Format/WYSIWYG Zen

A few months ago, I was starting to get fed up with having to manually re-patch the WYSIWYG module on about five of my sites every time it was due for an update, to incorporate functionality that I had hoped would make it into WYSIWYG as a regular button/plugin (see issue).

Well, after months of that issue's inactivity, I decided to take the bull by its horns and write up a proper module that would hook into WYSIWYG and allow me to (a) provide the functionality I needed to a wider audience, and (b) save me an extra minute of time per site upgrade (no more patches!).

Thus, WYSIWYG Force Linebreaks was born.

This module helps me with many of my sites - for many different reasons.