Update: In the comments, the following one-liner is suggested by Matt T if you have
installed (a handy utility if there ever was one!):
kubectl get secret my-secret -o json | jq '.data | map_values(@base64d)'
I figured it would be handy to have a quick reference for this, since I'll probably forget certain secrets many, many times in the future (I'm like that, I guess):
I have a Kubernetes Secret
used for Traefik ingress basic HTTP authentication (using annotation ingress.kubernetes.io/auth-secret
), and as an admin with kubectl
access, I want to see (or potentially modify) its structure.
Let's say the Secret is in namespace testing
, and is named test-credentials
. To get the value of the basic auth credentials I do:
kubectl get secret test-credentials -n testing -o yaml
This spits out the Kubernetes object definition, including a field like:
auth: [redacted base64-encoded string]
So then I copy out that string and decode it:
echo '[redacted base64-encoded string]' | base64 --decode
And now I have a set of one or more basic HTTP auth credentials; in my case they were encrypted with MD5 encryption, since they were prefixed by $apr1$
(see Apache password encryptions docs). If I want to update the secret with a new password, I can add it by generating the string with htpasswd
, then adding it to the data, then base64 encoding it, then modifying the Secret with the new value!
(For production clusters, though, I store all my Kubernetes objects as YAML manifest files in code, so I would make the appropriate changes there then apply the changes using (at least, in my case) Ansible. So this would be a lot less complicated.)
You could also use a newer feature added to the jq cli to retrieve the base64 decoded values a bit quicker:
If you need jq: https://stedolan.github.io/jq
Or if you really want to get crazy like I do, you can create an alias so that you can just do
ds my-secret
:Even newer:
kubectl get secret test-credentials -n testing -o go-template='{{.data.whatever | base64decode}}'
Note that you need to have jq version 1.6+ to use the `base64d` function.
$ jq --version
$ echo '{"foo": "Ym9iIGxpa2VzIGFsaWNlCg=="}' | jq '{encoded: .foo, decoded: .foo | @base64d}'
"encoded": "Ym9iIGxpa2VzIGFsaWNlCg==",
"decoded": "bob likes alice\n"