Getting a Views Page Display to Appear Inside an Organic Group

I have been hitting my head against a wall for a few weeks now, trying to get a few different Views-created pages to appear as if they were normal pages inside an Organic Group (meaning they would appear inside og-menu-enabled menus for that particular group, and group blocks would also appear on the pages.

After reading up on the thread "Organic Groups and Views 2", I found that I could use an argument to help solve my dilemma. Here's how I set up an argument for a particular view:

On the page display (I could've also done this as a default), I added an argument ("Organic groups: Groups") with the following properties:

  • Title: <none>
  • Breadcrumb: <none>
  • Action to take if argument is not present: Provide default argument
    • Default argument type: Fixed entry
      • Default Argument: 6116 (this is the node ID for the organic group under which this view is posted)
    • Validator options
      • Validator: Group nodes
        • Argument type: Node ID
        • Validate current user: <unchecked>
      • Action to take if argument is not present: Hide view / Page not found (404)
  • Allow multiple terms per argument: <unchecked>
  • Exclude the argument: <unchecked>

Doing this allows Organic Groups to treat the Views page display as if it is actually a page within that particular group. Another problem solved! (I'm really beginning to fall in love with Views... and, apparently, Views 3 is going to be even more full of win!

Another Option - Embed in Page

You can also embed a view directly in a page, using the context of that page in your view to grab the items for the group into which the view is embedded.

To do so, create a new page/story/whatever node, with 'PHP Code' as the input format. Inside the node, put in

<?php print views_embed_view('group_newsletters'); ?>
and save your node.

In the view you wish to embed (name it view_name as you used in the code above), add an argument like the following (with type Organic Groups: Groups):

  • Title: <none>
  • Breadcrumb: <none>
  • Action to take if argument is not present: Provide default argument
    • Default argument type: PHP Code
      • PHP Argument Code:
      • <?php if ($node = og_get_group_context()) {$args[0] = $node->nid;return $args[0];}else {  return NULL;}?>
    • Validator options
      • Validator: Group nodes
        • Argument type: Node ID
        • Validate current user: <unchecked>
      • Action to take if argument is not present: Hide view / Page not found (404)
  • Allow multiple terms per argument: <unchecked>
  • Exclude the argument: <unchecked>


If you're using panels, a panel page can be used to wrap and augment a view.

You can also embed a view directly in a node, either by using some simple php or a CCK field like viewsfield.

I've all these for different needs like that.