How to add integration tests to an Ansible collection with Molecule

Note: Ansible Collections are currently in tech preview. The details of this blog post may be outdated by the time you read this, though I will try to keep things updated if possible.

Ansible 2.8 and 2.9 introduced a new type of Ansible content, a 'Collection'. Collections are still in tech preview state, so things are prone to change.

Ansible Collections must be in a very specific path, like {...}/ansible_collections/{namespace}/{collection}/

You have to make sure your collection is in that specific path—with an empty directory named ansible_collections, then a directory for the namespace, and finally a directory for the collection itself. I opened an issue in the Ansible issue queue asking if ansible-test can allow running tests in an arbitrary collection directory, and for Molecule itself, there's more of a 'meta' issue, Molecule and Ansible Collections.

Note: Some of the features in this blog post require Ansible 2.9, which was released in October 2019. Please make sure you're running Ansible 2.9 or later for full collection support.

Creating a new Collection

Currently, Molecule doesn't know much about collections, so you should not use the molecule init command to create a collection (that only creates roles currently).

Instead, you should use the ansible-galaxy command to create a collection (ideally, inside the directory ~/.ansible/collections/ansible_collections/ so Ansible can pick it up automatically):

$ ansible-galaxy collection init geerlingguy.testing

Ansible creates the collection in the directory ./geerlingguy/testing, so change into that directory:

$ cd geerlingguy/testing
$ ls  docs       galaxy.yml plugins    roles

The galaxy.yml file contains important metadata used by the Ansible Galaxy importer, so you should make sure all the information inside is correct (it comes with a bunch of helpful comments). Other than that, you have an empty scaffold of a collection, ready for development.

Adding a basic module

Create a modules directory inside plugins:

$ mkdir plugins/modules

Create a module named in the new modules directory:

$ touch plugins/modules/

And then paste the contents of the example module in the Ansible module development documentation into this file.

At this point, your Collection includes an Ansible module called my_test, which can be used in an Ansible playbook like:

- hosts: all

  - geerlingguy.testing

  - name: Test the my_test module.
      name: 'hello'
      new: true
    register: testout
  - name: Debug the my_test module's output
      msg: '{{ testout }}'

Next, we want to be able to both test this module (e.g. for a Continuous Integration (CI) workflow), and have a clean local development environment where we can quickly test changes or bug fixes for this module. Molecule provides both!

Adding Molecule to the Collection

Note: If you don't have molecule installed already, run pip install molecule docker to install it and the python library for Docker.

Molecule doesn't support init for collections yet, but it does allow you to add a Molecule configuration to an existing role or collection, using molecule init scenario. So we want to add a default testing scenario to our testing project. Run the following command in the collection project root directory:

$ molecule init scenario --scenario-name default

(The --scenario-name is not strictly required if you're adding the default scenario, but I like adding it for completeness.)

Now you should have a .yamllint file and molecule/ directory in your collection. What happens if we run molecule test right now?

$ molecule test
An error occurred during the test sequence action: 'lint'. Cleaning up.

Oops! You can quickly fix those errors in the galaxy.yml file (I opened an issue to see if we can make the default file pass yamllint: ansible-galaxy collection init generates galaxy.yml that fails YAMLlint, too). There will also be errors with the default Testinfra tests inside molecule/default/tests, so go ahead and delete that directory too. Now try testing again:

$ molecule test
--> Scenario: 'default'
--> Action: 'converge'
    PLAY [Converge] ****************************************************************
    TASK [Gathering Facts] *********************************************************
    ok: [instance]
    PLAY RECAP *********************************************************************
    instance                   : ok=1    changed=0    unreachable=0    failed=0    skipped=0    rescued=0    ignored=0
--> Scenario: 'default'
--> Action: 'idempotence'
Idempotence completed successfully.

Yay, the test was successful! So you now have an isolated test environment, and you can also use it for live development, by running molecule converge, it will run through all the same steps, but stop after the converge action, at which point you can make changes to your collection or the Converge play, and then run molecule converge again (and again) until you're done with your development work.

Testing the geerlingguy.testing.my_test module

The molecule test command worked... but so far it's not really testing anything (besides a basic linting of the collection's YAML files). We should merge the tests from the example playbook earlier in this post with the 'Converge' playbook that molecule added, so now the molecule/default/playbook.yml playbook should look like:

- name: Converge
  hosts: all

  - geerlingguy.testing

  - name: Test the my_test module.
      name: 'hello'
      new: true
    register: testout

  - name: Debug the my_test module's output
      msg: '{{ testout }}'

This time, after you run molecule converge, you should see:

--> Scenario: 'default'
--> Action: 'converge'
    PLAY [Converge] ****************************************************************
    TASK [Gathering Facts] *********************************************************
    ok: [instance]
    TASK [Test the my_test module.] ************************************************
    changed: [instance]
    TASK [Debug the my_test module's output] ***************************************
    ok: [instance] => {
        "msg": {
            "changed": true,
            "failed": false,
            "message": "goodbye",
            "original_message": "hello"
    PLAY RECAP *********************************************************************
    instance                   : ok=3    changed=1    unreachable=0    failed=0    skipped=0    rescued=0    ignored=0

Excellent! Now, to take it a step further, we'll use Ansible's assert module to verify the my_test module is performing as expected. Change the last task in the molecule playbook.yml to:

  - name: Validate the my_test module's output
        - testout.original_message == 'hello'
        - testout.message == 'goodbye'

After you run molecule converge again, you should see:

    TASK [Validate the my_test module's output] ************************************
    ok: [instance] => {
        "changed": false,
        "msg": "All assertions passed"

Great! At this point, you could continue doing development work on your custom module (or other roles and plugins in the collection), you can add scenarios to your molecule configuration, and you can develop and test locally to your heart's content!

Running Molecule in CI

Locally, everything seems to work great! But what about a Continuous Integration (CI) environment like Travis CI, Circle CI, or Jenkins? In these environments, you'd typically do a git clone (or the CI tool does it for you) into a 'workspace'. The problem is, Ansible requires a strict directory path format and location for collections. Because of this, we need to do do two things:

Moving things around

The first step is to move the checked out collection project into a folder Ansible can use for your collection. For my k8s collection, I have the following defined in my Travisfile:

    - COLLECTION_NAMESPACE: geerlingguy

  # Move the collection into the required path.
  - cd ../
  - mkdir -p ansible_collections/$COLLECTION_NAMESPACE
  - mv ansible-collection-$COLLECTION_NAME ansible_collections/$COLLECTION_NAMESPACE/$COLLECTION_NAME

This changes the working directory out of the checked out collection project, then creates the required collection pathing, and moves the collection into the properly-named directory (ansible_collections/geerlingguy/k8s).

Once that's done, Molecule also needs to set the environment properly so Ansible playbooks it runs pick up the collections. So in the project's molecule.yml, I added:

    ANSIBLE_COLLECTIONS_PATHS: "/home/travis/build/geerlingguy:~/.ansible/collections"

This adds the path to the Travis CI $HOME directory where I created that ansible_collections folder structure. Now, Ansible can easily pick up the collection for use in Molecule tests.

Final optimizations

If you don't want to waste a ton of CPU cycles building and rebuilding the test environment Docker container, I'd also recommend nixing the default Docker image that Molecule supplies, and instead using one of your own (or one of mine :).

Change the platforms section in molecule.yml to something like the following:

  - name: instance
    image: geerlingguy/docker-centos7-ansible:latest
    privileged: true
    pre_build_image: true

Then delete the 'Dockerfile' that was created by Molecule. Now your uncached builds should all be a slight bit faster!


Could you update this for Molecule 3.0.6 and ansible 2.9.11 and python3.7. I run through this and when i get to testing the sample module, i get...

ERROR! couldn't resolve module/action 'my_test'. This often indicates a misspelling, missing collection, or incorrect module path.

The error appears to be in '/Users/spare/repos/joej164/testing/molecule/default/converge.yml': line 12, column 7, but may
be elsewhere in the file depending on the exact syntax problem.

The offending line appears to be:

        name: "testing"
    - name: Test the my_test module.
      ^ here

Ok, finally solved it, this was a pathing issue. It's SUPER important that you put the new collection under a folder called ansible_collections, like he said at the top.

The full path of my collection is here: /Users/spare/repos/collections/ansible_collections/joej164/testing.

I added and env tag to my provisioner in the molecule.cfg file.

  name: ansible

With that things started working like they were supposed to. I hope this bit of info helps other people running into this issue.

I spent good amount of time trying to fix the path. Eventually i just removed `collection_path` from the ansible.cfg and let the Ansible to install collections in the default ~/.ansible/collections. This way everybody is happy. Thou, not sure how it will end if i will decide to bundle dependencies in the project itself. But with ability to version the collection, i don't see the reason why would i bundle (include external collections) into it.

Interresting, but how to organize your test when your collection have for example multiples different roles inside ?
Should i put molecule directories inside each sub role directory ?
Or as you do, a main molecule directory, with a scenario covering all the tests ? One scenario by role ? .....