
To Those in St. Louis: Couch Potatoes! -- A Seminarian Production

I was given information about our annual Seminary Production today, and I thought I would share it with any other St. Louisans who might be interested. Basically, Kenrick-Glennon Seminary produces a variety show every year, and it is a fun way to raise a little money for the Seminary and meet members of the community. Plus, I'm with the 'Kenrick Light + Magic' group (a.k.a. Lighting and Sound Technicians), so I'll be there all three nights! Here's our logo (Ooh! Glowy!):

Kenrick Light + Magic


Pro-Life Passages in the Bible

I was recently asked by a reader to find some good Bible passages that are 'pro-life'. Paging through the Gospels and a few other books, I found many of the verses I've highlighted have a very pro-life slant. In fact, I soon realized that there are pro-life undertones running throughout the Bible! I guess it is true that 'God is Pro-Life'.

In reading the Bible, we must always realize that reading it, along with respecting the teaching authority of the Catholic Church, is one of the best ways we can come to know Jesus. The Bible was compiled by the early Catholic Church, and it is hard to understand certain passages without the Church's teaching authority (this is one of the reasons Jesus established the Catholic Church!).

Well, anyways, I thought I'd just show you some of my favorites:

Genesis 1:27-28: God created man in his image; in the divine image he created him; male and femail he created them. God blessed them, saying to them: 'Be fertile and multiply; fill the earth and subdue it.'

Post-Disgrace No More? We shall see...

After visiting home yesterday, I noticed a few newspaper articles my mother had clipped out for me. One caught my attention, because it had a huge picture of Archbishop Burke staring straight at me! The article, written by Tim Townsend and titled "The Man Behind the Headlines", was actually quite interesting, and didn't once take a potshot at the Archbishop. The article stuck to facts, and added some interesting quotes from the Archbishop and some people who he works with.

Archbishop Burke

I was especially glad to read one section, in which the Archbishop mentions Kenrick-Glennon Seminary:

Name-that-Site Contest!

I have found a heck of a deal for finally creating a domain name for my websites. What's a 'domain name', you wonder? Well, it's kinda like this: instead of the address for my blog being ", etc.", I could have my own "" web address! I have been tossing around this idea for a few years, but have never seen a good deal for pricing (it used to cost around $75 a year for a domain name, but now it's much less!).

Youth-Sized Wristbands are HERE!!! $0.25 each, 50 or more!

My sister and I have just received our final shipment of wristbands - 10,000 youth-sized (180 mm circuference) PROLIFE Wristbands, to be exact! If you would like some, we are selling them for the extremely low price of 25¢ each, for quantities of 50 or more (sorry, we can't sell them in smaller quantities), plus a small shipping fee.

Here's a size comparison of the youth (180mm) and adult (208mm) sized wristband:

Youth Wristband Size Comparison