
WYD 2005: More Reflections

Now more than halfway through the Pilgrimage to Koln (Cologne) for World Youth Day 2005, I thought it might be a good idea to reflect a little on the happenings and developments of my journey so far.

Trip to the German Countryside

The seminarians from Kenrick-Glennon had a day planned (the 16th, to be precise) during which we were going to visit a castle (Neuschweinstein I think), tour the countryside on train and visit the wood-carving town of Oberammagau (I think I spelled it wrong). Unfortunately, we did not have much luck doing most of what we had originally planned on doing. It was raining steadily for most of the day, and, after an eight hour train and bus ride, we found that we wouldn't be able to go inside the castle because of the amount of people in line.

WYD 2005: Last 'Day In the Diocese' of Roermond, Holland

I've posted pictures from days two, three and four; I don't know when I'll be able to find another wireless connection to upload the next few days of pictures again, because I leave for Cologne (Köln) tomorrow morning. I will post more as soon as I find a good connection

This program, with the many days we've spent in and around Holland, has been a great experience, and has greatly enriched my faith. We've done so much in these short few days that I find myself rushed trying to simply type this blog entry, much less organize and post pictures on the Internet!

On Holland, Europe and Faith

After speaking many times to the very kind family that is hosting myself and my fellow seminarian Brian, attending a few different liturgical services (including Sunday Mass) and talking to a few complete strangers on the streets of Roermond, I have discovered that many problems exist for the Catholic Church of Holland (and, on a greater scale, Europe).

WYD 2005: Day One Notes and Pictures

'Hallo!' (as we now say in Holland): I have posted pictures on my Seminary Website from our flights and layovers from St. Louis (Lambert Airport) to Chicago (O'Hare Airport) and from Chicago to Frankfurt. Pictures from Days two and three will be coming by late Saturday!

So far the trip's been good, but I just now had a little time to post the pictures on my site; in a later post I'll have much more information about the trip and about Holland (especially some reflection on differences between the U.S. and Holland and Catholicism in general. One interesting note; I have eaten, for the first time in my life, a raw herring fish!

Those Who Respect Life: Planned Parenthood Wants to Blow You Up [UPDATED]

UPDATE: Planned Parenthood Golden Gate has removed the video from it's website, without mentioning any reason. However, you can still view the video on the author's website (link - 40 MB).

This is sick. Sick enough that I had to sit and think about it for a few minutes after I first read the story on The Dawn Patrol. I thought the video Dawn Eden pointed out was bad. Then, after watching it, I found it to be worse than I could've imagined.

World Youth Day 2005 Approaches; Pictures and News Here

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Next Wednesday, I'll be on a plane to Germany for World Youth Day 2005. For almost two weeks I'll be on my first trip out of the U.S., and I'll see Pope Benedict XVI once or twice. Almost all the seminarians from Kenrick-Glennon are attending this World Youth Day, and we will be visiting many other seminarians from around the world.

Throughout the week, I'll be posting pictures and blog entries from various places (when I can find a hotspot) throughout Holland and Germany. Please say a few prayers over the next few weeks for the half-million-plus youth and their chaperones who will be flying, driving, and even walking, to Germany!