
Valentine's Day is Over, But...

I found an interesting post on another Catholic Blog Award page by Seminarian Mark Mossas, entitled "Thoughts for Valentine's Day," concerning the Vagina Monologues (which, by the way, was allowed to be shown at Saint Louis University again this year).

Read more of my writings on this topic here (Notre Dame President Restricts 'Monologues'), here ('V-Day' is Quickly Approaching) and here (Protest V***** Monologues on Campuses).

Notre Dame President Restricts 'Monologues'

From Catholic News Service:

NOTRE DAME, Ind. (CNS) – "The Vagina Monologues," performed for large audiences in theaters on the University of Notre Dame campus for the past four years, will be restricted to a classroom setting at the university this year.

Holy Cross Father John Jenkins, Notre Dame's new president, announced the change of venue for the play and also said he is seeking opinions from faculty, students and alumni about what events are appropriate to hold on campus. (Read more...)

Will other Catholic universities (notably Saint Louis University) begin to see what the Monologues really promote and seek to preserve their own Catholic identities, as Notre Dame seems to be doing? We shall see.

In the meantime, I will pray that the administration at SLU will see the problems with the play and with many aspects of the 'V-Day' campaign.

Giving Blood Saves Lives

Earlier today decided to go to the local blood drive at St. Gabriel's parish. I know how important it is to give blood; my Mom and my sister would probably not be alive today if other generous souls had not decided to take a little time out of their weeks to give blood. So I went.

I am fearful of needles, and have fainted a few times when getting blood drawn, and I have never given blood before. So I was a little bit apprehensive of doing so upon arrival at the cafeteria at St. Gabriel's. But I built up my courage and told myself, "Well, you haven't fainted the past six times you've had blood draws—this can't be that bad... it's just a stick in the arm, and that's it!"

Beautiful Sunset and St. Louis

Last night a fellow seminarian (Charlie) and I went up to the top of the Seminary tower to capture a little of nature's beauty in the sunset. There as a layer of clouds that reflected the red sunset, as well as a section of blue, clear sky that incorporated shades of purple and green. I also took a quick picture of the city of St. Louis just after the sun went down.

Beautiful Sunset

St. Louis at Night - New Search Engine Powered by Google

I invite you to check out, a new filtered search engine for the web powered by Google. In addition to filtering search results using Google's 'SafeSearch' features (you can do the same with Google, but you first must turn it on in Google's 'preferences'), Pro Life Search will donate profits made through advertisements to many different Pro-Life organizations. You can read their blog or read their 'About' page for even more info.

I especially like this quote from their About page:

Who is
We’re a privately-held company in Chicago, Illinois, founded and managed by
two guys who both try hard everyday to be the good Catholic boys their mothers always hoped they’d be.

Don't Sign a Life Away!

Do Not Sign

Do NOT sign the “Missouri Stem Cell Research and Cure Initiative” petitions being circulated around St. Louis. This proposal would place in the Missouri Constitution the right to conduct human cloning and kill human life at the earliest stage – the human embryo.

If signed by enough voters this proposal will be on the November 2006 election ballot. If passed, taxpayer money could be used to carry out this unethical research.

There is a better way – ethical research using adult stem cells that does not harm the human embryo Adult stem cells have successfully treated over 65 diseases including Parkinson’s disease, heart and stroke damage, cancer, spinal cord injury and sickle cell anemia in humans. Embryonic stem cells have not treated or cured a single disease even in laboratory animals.

Don’t be fooled into signing this petition!