
Soccer Season - KGB Lions

Soccer Ball

The Kenrick-Glennon Lions' soccer season is beginning very soon, and we invite (as always) anyone who'd like to watch a game to visit us while we're playing on the field behind Kenrick-Glennon Seminary. This year, our games will be on almost every Sunday, starting on September 17, at 2:45 p.m.

Our first practice is today, and I'm quite excited to be back on the pitch again (especially after watching the World Cup a short while ago!).

Embryonic Stem-Cell Issues

There has been a news story circulating this week suggesting a company has found an 'ethical' way to harvest stem cells from human embryos. Supposedly, the company, Advanced Cell, "let its embryos grow to the 8- to 10-cell stage before removing one cell. They then grew stem cells from that single cell." [].

Christians Against Human Cloning Rally

There will be a rally against human cloning on Monday, August 28 at 7:00 p.m. in the Life Christian Church. This rally is for anyone interested in increasing respect for human life — no matter what religious background you have.

Guest speakers Dr. Alan Keyes and Dr. Rick Scarborough will be present, along with Christian musician Kim Noblitt. Christian Life Church is located at 13001 Gravois in St. Louis. Please be there if at all possible! I, unfortunately, cannot make it, as I have a meeting at St. Louis University during the same time as the rally. Here's the website for more info (Note: The other things mentioned on the website are not necessarily within the views of the Catholic Church, as it is not a Catholic site).

[UPDATED x 2] Pilgrimage to La Crosse, WI with Archbishop Burke

[UPDATES: Pictures are now posted (I gave up on GoLive CS and had to buy the CS2 version—grrr!), and you can also read this account of the pilgrimage from a new St. Louis seminarian!]

The seminarians from the St. Louis Archdiocese and I returned this evening from a pilgrimage to La Crosse, WI led by Archbishop Raymond Burke (St. Louis' current archbishop), a native of the La Crosse diocese. There were many beautiful moments during the pilgrimage, and many beautiful places in La Crosse. I only have a few pictures here, but I will post more later (once I get some time).

Cathedral of St. Joseph the Worker
The main chapel at La Crosse's diocesan center
(where the Archbishop attended Seminary).

Trivia Night - A Success!

This year's Trivia Night at the Seminary went very well, and I'm glad to have heard that many people had a great time. There was a little bit of a scare when, just after I had turned on all the lights and the computer projectors, those of us setting up were told there was a very strong thunderstorm barreling through St. Louis. (Typically, even a smaller storm can knock out power to the Seminary for many hours). Needless to say, the power did not go out.

The next big happening this summer will be the end of summer break and the beginning of a new academic year. I've heard so far that there are twenty or more new seminarians coming in for St. Louis, with (I think) eight in the college!

Microsoft's Attempt at Voice Recognition

This video's [Google Video] being passed around the Internet today. It's a video of Microsoft's attempt at speech recognition in Windows Vista (Microsoft's future OS) during a demo for press and investors. Apparently, Microsoft didn't do a great job setting up their live demo.

Basically, Microsoft's representative tried to speak 'Dear Mom,' to the computer, but the computer typed 'Dear Aunt,' instead. Once the representative tried to replace or delete the text, the computer took a little time to think, then output: "Dear aunt, let's set so double the killer delete select all."