May 19 Update: It was a total success, yay! This site is now running Drupal 8.
Over 100 days in, the big day has finally arrived—it's time to upgrade this website from Drupal 7 to Drupal 8! The entire process has been documented, one hour at a time, in my 'Drupal 7 to 8' live streams. Visit that link to view all the previous episodes, from setting up a new Drupal codebase, to running the first test drush migrate-upgrade
command, to upgrading this site's theme from PHPtemplate in Drupal 7 to Twig in Drupal 8.
Some of the highlights:
- 150+ commits
- 16 live streams (available on-demand) viewed 7,647 times, plus a summary presentation at CMS Philly
- My Drupal 8 Codebase is now open source
- 5 new issues were opened (or patches tested) on
- 2 GitHub outages encountered in the middle of live streams
- Six Drupal music videos were highlighted
- This site's
theme was upgraded from PHPTemlate to Twig, and was made more accessible - The #DrupalCares campaign was completely funded, sustaining the Drupal Association this year!
The May 19 episode will air live at 11 a.m. US Eastern, or 3 p.m. UTC. You can watch it live here: Drupal 7 to 8 - THE FINAL EPISODE!
During the previous stream, I bought down my production site—oops! Let's see if we can make some fun things happen in this next and final Drupal live stream!
Subscribe to my YouTube channel if you want to be notified when the stream starts (or to see other content around automation, and more Drupal videos in the future!). Or just bookmark this page and come back at 11 a.m. on May 19—the video will play below!
Also, if you have any creative ideas for celebrating the cutover, or any questions you want answered in this final migration stream, please leave suggestions and questions in the comments!
We're live on Drupal 8
Wahoo! 🎉
Congratulations, nice work!