
Debugging Varnish VCL configuration files

If you're a Drupal or PHP developer used to debugging or troubleshooting some code by adding a print $variable; or dpm($object); to your PHP, and then refreshing the page to see the debug message (or using XDebug, or using watchdog logging...), debugging Varnish's VCL language can be intimidating.

VCL uses C-like syntax, and is compiled when varnish starts, so you can't just modify a .vcl file and refresh to see changes or debug something. And there are only a few places where you can simply stick a debug statement. So, I'll explain four different ways I use to debug VCLs in this post (note: don't do this on a production server!):

Simple Error statements (like print in PHP)

Sometimes, all you need to do is see the output of a variable, like req.http.Cookie, inside vcl_recv(). In these cases, you can just add an error statement to throw an error in Varnish and output the contents of a string, like the Cookie: