
Add a set of Taxonomy terms via a custom Drupal module's update hook

From time to time, I've needed to have a default set of Taxonomy terms created at the same time as a content type, as in the case of a field with a required Taxonomy term reference, using a Taxonomy that is not 'free tag' style.

Instead of requiring someone to go in and manually add all the terms after code is deployed, you can add terms in a custom module's update hook, like so:

Set up a hierarchical taxonomy term Facet using Facet API with Search API Solr

I wanted to document this here just because it took me a little while to get all the bits working just right so I could have a hierarchical taxonomy display inside a Facet API search facet, rather than a flat display of only the taxonomy terms directly related to the nodes in the current search.

Basically, I had a search facet on a search page that allowed users to filter search results by a taxonomy term, and I wanted it to show the taxonomy's hierarchy:

Flat taxonomy to hierarchical taxonomy display using Search API Solr and Facet API in Drupal 7

To do this, you need to do two main things:

  1. Make sure your taxonomy field is being indexed with taxonomy hierarchy data intact.
  2. Set up the Facet API facet for this taxonomy term so it will display the full hierarchy.

Let's first start by making sure the taxonomy information is being indexed (refer to the image below):