
Views: Show "Showing X-X of X results" (page and result counter) in Drupal 7

[Update: Views 3.x has a really nifty plugin feature called 'Results summary' that you can simply add to the header or footer of your view, and use your own text with placeholders, to do everything I outline in the post below, without a line of code. Add a results summary instead of using hook_views_pre_render() or a Views PHP field.]

I needed to display a page/item counter on a view on one of my Drupal 7 sites, using Views 7.x-3.x. This counter would display at the bottom of the view, just above the pager, and needed to display the current number of results being displayed, along with the total number of results.

Views provides all this data right inside the $views object, so all I needed to do was add the following PHP snippet (including the

<?php ?>
delimiters) to a 'Global: PHP' textarea in my view's footer: