
Simple Git feature branch workflow

After reading A successful Git branching model [], which I consider one of the best graphical/textual depictions of the ideal Git model for development teams (and most large projects), I simply wanted to adapt a similar (but way less complex) model for some of my smaller sites and multisite Drupal installs.

Since I'm (almost always) the only developer, and I develop locally, I don't want the complexity of working on many branches at once (master, hotfixes, develop, release, staging, etc...), but I do want to have a clean separation between what I'm working on and the actual live master branch that I deploy to the server.

So, I've adopted a simple 'feature branch model' for my smaller projects:

  • master - the live/production code. Only touch when merging in a feature or simply fixing little bugs or really pressing problems.
  • [issue-number]-feature-branches - Where I work on stuff.
