
Install Drupal Coder and PHP CodeSniffer to your Drupal project to lint PHP code

In the official Coder Sniffer install guide on, it recommends installing Coder and the Drupal code sniffs globally using the command:

composer global require drupal/coder

I don't particularly like doing that, because I try to encapsulate all project requirements within that project, especially since I'm often working on numerous projects, some on different versions of PHP or Drupal, and installing things globally can cause things to break.

So instead, I've done the following (see this issue) for my new Drupal 8 site codebase (in case you haven't seen, I'm live-streaming the entire migration process!):

Testing your Ansible roles with Molecule

After the announcement on September 26 that Ansible will be adopting molecule and ansible-lint as official 'Ansible by Red Hat' projects, I started moving more of my public Ansible projects over to Molecule-based tests instead of using the homegrown Docker-based Ansible testing rig I'd been using for a few years.

Molecule sticker in front of AnsibleFest 2018 Sticker

There was also a bit of motivation from readers of Ansible for DevOps, many of whom have asked for a new section on Molecule specifically!

In this blog post, I'll walk you through how to use Molecule, and how I converted all my existing roles (which were using a different testing system) to use Molecule and Ansible Lint-based tests.