Running Apache Benchmarks: Drupal/Joomla core vs. Static Page Cache
I just discovered (after asking about it in the #drupal IRC channel) the wonderful little program ab, included in an Apache installation. This little nugget does one thing, and does it well: It beats the heck out of your server, then tells you how your server did in terms of page serving. I tested a few different configurations on a dedicated, 4-core, 4 GB RAM server from SoftLayer, and used the following two commands:
1. Download the specified URL 1,000 times, with KeepAlive turned off (each request gets a new http connection):
ab -n 1000 -c 5
2. Downlaod the specified URL 1,000 times, with KeepAlive turned on (thus allowing the connection to be maintained for as many http downloads as you have set in your httpd.conf file):
ab -n 1000 -kc 5
I ran these tests a few different ways, and here are the results of the tests I ran with KeepAlive on, with the number of pages per second ab reported listed after the method:
- Drupal - normal page caching turned on, css/js aggregation, 55kb page – 12.5 pages/sec
- Joomla - no page caching (disabled due to buggy 1.x caching), 65kb page – 8.2 pages/sec
- Drupal - boost module enabled, serving up the boost-cached file – 3,250 pages/sec
- Joomla - custom page caching system enabled, serving static html file – 2,600 pages/sec
Speed boost due to caching: ~250x faster!