
Getting beyond ProcessExecutionErrors when installing Ubuntu on arm64

Currently there are precious few SystemReady Arm computers—computers like the System76 Thelio Astra I was sent recently to test.

The level or 'band' of SystemReady SR used by modern Ampere-based arm64 workstations and servers means you can install any out-of-the-box Linux distributions, as long as they provide an arm64-compatible installer.

Ubuntu has some of the most complete support for arm64, so I went to download a Live CD ISO I could flash to a USB stick, to install on my test Thelio Astra. For server installs (with no GUI), either 4k or 64k page sizes, there are easily-findable ISOs:

However, for desktop, you can only get it via daily build downloads:

Fixing curl install failures with Ansible on Red Hat-derivative OSes

Over the past few months, I've noticed some of my automation failing on Red Hat-derivative OSes like Rocky Linux and AlmaLinux. The reason for this has to do with the inclusion of a curl-minimal package in some distros, which conflicts with curl if you try installing the full package.

Unfortunately, the fix for this is a little strange, and so only ends up in Ansible's dnf module, not in the more cross-compatible package module.

The error I was seeing is like:

Re-partitioning and reinstalling a newer version of Fedora on my laptop

Fedora 26 Installer - Installing software progress bar

I wanted to document this process on my blog, since it's the second time I've had to do it, and it always takes me way longer to figure it out than it should... basically, here's how you can take a laptop with a hard disk that's running an older version of Fedora (in my case, Fedora 23), use the Fedora install media to re-partition the drive, then install a newer version of Fedora (in my case, Fedora 26):