Hide the page title depending on a checkbox field in a particular content type
In Drupal 8, many small things have changed, but my willingness to quickly hack something out in a few lines of code/config instead of installing a relatively large module to do the same thing hasn't :-)
I needed to add a checkbox to control whether the page title should be visible in the rendered page for a certain content type on a Drupal 8 site, and there are a few different ways you can do this (please suggest alternatives—especially if they're more elegant!), but I chose to do the following:
Add a 'Display Title' boolean field (checkbox, using the field label as the title, and setting off to
and on to1
in the field settings) to the content type (page
in this example).
On the State of Drupal Themes and Theming
I was browsing the Drupal Theme Garden a few days ago and was reflecting on how incredibly boring (if not ugly) a large share of the themes looked. Out of all the themes I viewed (over 50), I might consider using only 10 or so on a production site for a quick project that I didn't want to create a theme for.
Later on, I read this post on Steven Witten's blog [] from 2007, and read through every single comment, because I am extremely interested in the issue of Drupal theming. If you are at all interested in helping Drupal be more themeable and appealing to designers, you must read the post linked to above. Go ahead - read it. I'll wait...
...okay, now that you're back,
A few of the comments in Steve's blog post deserve a mention...
From the blog posting itself: "Not enough Drupal people are savvy enough about theming and design to help out with even small tasks (like a banner) or even give quality tips and feedback on other work. The result is that theming and design receives little attention. Most contributed themes and sites could look a lot better, if they just themed it some more. And getting patches into core that give the defaults a little more oomph is tough, as they are often considered to be useless embellishments.
Blogging: Signal-to-Noise Ratio
I use an RSS news reader application to browse stories from blogs and websites that I am interested in following. To stay in my news reader for more than a few weeks, a website must do two things:
- Consistently offer 'meaty' and well-written posts.
- Not 'spam' me with posts (i.e. no more than 2 posts a day, unless the content is really good or really interesting).
If you'll notice, none of my criteria include "Have many, many posts a day." The reason for this is simple: My time is valuable, and I don't want to waste it browsing through mushy, meaningless content—even if that time is only a second or two. A lot of people think they should post early and post often, sometimes re-blogging what others have already said, but this is not a good strategy for retaining site subscribers and readers, even if it helps your search-engine rankings a little. Signal / Noise ratio is probably the single determining factor in whether a site will succeed in gaining loyal followers or not.