
Import unsupported camera RAW files into Apple Photos

Many years ago, I decided to migrate my photo library from Apple's now-defunct Aperture to Photos, so I could take advantage of Apple's iCloud Photo Library (don't worry, I still have three full complete local backups, plus a separate cloud backup besides Apple's iCloud originals).

One pain point is RAW support. As camera manufacturers add new models, their proprietary RAW codecs are updated, and software vendors like Apple, Adobe, and Microsoft have to update photo editing tools to work with the new camera models.

I don't envy them this task, but as Photos was Apple's official successor to Aperture (a pale shadow to be sure, but it has its merits as a semi-decent library organizer), they've generally done well supporting new camera models. The compatibility list for macOS Sonoma, iPadOS 17, and iOS 17 is a testament to that effort.

"Licensing for this product has stopped working" - Adobe CS3/CS4 on a Mac

Recently, I had to recover my iMac from a Time Machine backup and a hard drive replacement (my old drive flaked out—see how I repaired my hard drive here (video included!)).

Upon trying to open any Adobe Creative Suite 3 app (I use Photoshop and Illustrator daily...), I got the following error window:

Adobe Illustrator - Licensing for this product has stopped working

I was taken to this Adobe Support page, which suggests a variety of options for fixing the problem—all of which didn't work for me.

"Get Acrobat Reader" Links - Still Needed?

While browsing a local Church parish website recently, I noticed they had a link to their parish bulletin, in PDF format. I was perplexed, however, by the fact that there was more screen real estate taken up by text and a button that informed me I needed Adobe Acrobat to read the PDF than there was by the link to the bulletin itself!

Parish Bulletin Acrobat Reader Link

How is Acrobat Reader as important as the links to the PDFs themselves? That's the message you send to the reader when he sees equal space given to Acrobat Reader instructions as the link(s) to the PDF(s) themselves.