Planning for a Wedding...

Crucifix - Kenrick-Glennon involved, to say the least.

It's just a few days until the 'big' day, when Natalie and I will become 'Mr. and Mrs. Geerling,' and I'm excited! It's been a thrilling year, and though things can be stressful (for both parties) at times, it's all worth it. I will get to share my entire life with one of God's most beautiful daughters, and someday (God-willing), pass it on to my beautiful children! It will be a life full of hard work, personal sacrifice, and devoted prayer.

As I am approaching the Wedding Liturgy, I am seeing more and more the connection between the Eucharist and the Sacrament of Marriage—most especially the sacrificial and life-giving love that Jesus has exemplified on the crucifix, and the sacrificial and life-giving love that I will soon get to share with my wife!

This is why Catholics exalt the Crucifix so highly, and why it often disgusts me (and others) to see a 'resurrexifix*' at a Catholic Church; Jesus chose to die on a crucifix, to be killed in the public eye in one of the most humiliating ways, in order to take away our sin, if we let him. We don't focus on his death because we are morbid. We focus on his death because his dying act was to save our lives.

When I have a stressful moment, or am feeling pressure at work or home, how will I respond? Will I accept this burden with love and devotion, or will I complain? This is something that I can practice right now, and all the days of my life. I invite you to do the same.

I made mention of the importance of a crucifix in my first episode of Catholic Car Wash - check it out!

*A 'resurrexifix' is a cross upon which a resurrected Jesus is located... not quite a crucifix, if you ask me...