Some of the crazy thoughts that go through my head... yesterday I was watching some of the other teams play at De Smet (where I'll be coaching the freshmen volleyball team this year), and I thought of a relevant comparison between HTTP/1.1 status codes and volleyball plays.
- 101 Switching Protocols - A play's not working? Move a couple guys around.
- 200 OK - Good job. We got the point.
- 300 Multiple Choices - The setter always has a few...
- 304 Not Modified - When a hitter misses the ball.
- 305 Use Proxy - When the setter is out of the play.
- 307 Temporary Redirect - A tip over the net.
- 400 Bad Request - Setter/hitter confusion.
- 401 Unauthorized - The libero tries hitting the ball above the plane of the net.
- 403 Forbidden - A blocker stuffs his opponent.
- 404 Not Found - When the ball hits the floor and nobody moves to pass it.
- 405 Method Not Allowed - A lift.
- 406 Not Acceptable - A missed serve.
- 408 Request Timeout - Self-explanatory.
- 409 Conflict - These require the referee's intervention.
- 417 Expectation Failed - When the players don't live up to the coach's expectations.
- 500 Server Error - See "406 Not Acceptable"
- 502 Bad Gateway - A poor set.
- 503 Service Unavailable - Anytime a middle hitter is serving.
More status codes: HTTP/1.1 Status Code Definitions
Congratulations on the coaching job at De Smet!
Thanks! It's been a blast so far.