EDIT: Well, the Steelers won 21-10, but that's okay–as long as the Rams didn't lose...
Some reflections on the Super Bowl (at halftime
- Best Commercial: The FedEx stone-age commercial (although the 'magic fridge' by Budweiser was also fairly funny...).
- Who will win: I still say the Seattle Seahawks (I know, they're losing 7-3... but they will dominate the 2nd half).
- The Halftime Show: I didn't know the point of this year's halftime show was to make it worse than last year's fiasco. Message to media people: The Rolling Stones are dead. They have stopped rolling—a long time ago. If you haven't seen the halftime show, don't watch it (for your own good).
One last observation: It seems that most companies think you need to put a 'token unrealistically attractive woman' in their commercials to make them funny. But, I imagine, the top three commercials (as rated by the public) will be ones without the token unrealistically attractive women.