The Bad, the Good, and Hope - by Matt Warner
This presentation was given at the 2011 Catholic New Media Conference. Below are my notes on the presentation:
The Bad News
- The Catholic Church is out of control ... of our message.
- Being overly cautious about our message has been detrimental to our image.
- Catholics aren't really using Catholic new media; they're not really using old media either...
- 2% of Catholics follow religious/spiritual material on Facebook.
- 11% listen to Catholic radio.
- Reason? Catholics aren't 'not interested in Catholic media' – Catholics aren't interested in their Catholic faith.
- Technology is not going to bring people back to the Church. YOU are. People are. Needs meaningful relationships.
- Online Search (we stink)
- Examples: Jesus (nothing Catholic on the first page), God (nothing Catholic on the first page), "Who is God?"
The Good News
- Good examples: Catholic Channel, CatholicTV, CTT, CatholiCon,, blogs, etc.
- Pope Benedict gets it.
- We are slowly rekindling a missionary spirit.
- There is less blaming others and more doing our part.
- Recruiting talent and leaders.
- Entrepreneurial Evangelization: Where is the Catholic Silicon Valley? Who will incubate great Catholic ideas?
- Idea: Turn the parish's annual financial report into a statement of mission, success.
- "Donors don't want to support a spreadsheet. They want to support movements. We need to tell our stories."
- We live in exciting times!
Jeff, thanks for doing this! Nice notes.