ranked in top .25% of all websites!

Due almost exclusively to the Articles section of this website, it seems that (this website) ranks at number 422,290 of approximately 180,000,000 websites on the Internet (according to Alexa).

Alexa Internet Traffic Ranking for

The most popular content on the site, by a very large margin, are the following articles:

These articles alone count for about 70% of daily traffic, almost exclusively through search results. Since migrating this website from a custom HTML website (everything was posted through Dreamweaver and Thingamablog) to Drupal, with much better theme organization, my traffic has increased about 20%.

This post was prompted by some research for one of the other large websites I maintain, - which is ranked a little over 800,000. I looked up on the NMAP Favicon graph, and found it (a tiny, but visible, icon :)

Lifeisaprayer favicon on nmaps