Today, as my dad showed my an article in the St. Louis Post-Dispatch's "Metro" section, I noticed one of the two pictures they used has me in it, but you couldn't see my face. Problem was, I was taking a picture at the time. Apparently, the Post's photographer and I were taking pictures of each other taking pictures (albeit unintentionally). It would seem that both I and the Post covered the same story, but with different 'angles'. I've posted both here for your amusement:
The picture in the Post (see me in the blue circle?):

And the picture I snapped (the Post photographer is circled in blue):

If you have today's Post-Dispatch, you can see the article on the front page of the "Metro" section, and continued on page "C7". If you do not live in St. Louis, or don't have access to today's post, here's a link to the article online. The article was much less 'Church-bashing' than many in the past, but there is still a pro-abortion slant throughout most of it. We can only hope for small victories -- at least the front page of the Metro section was neutral.